Friday, April 22, 2011

Driving me bonkers!

It is Friday night and my 2 younger cousins have been with us since Monday. That's about 4 days. Dorothy is 7 years old and Ives is 9. No matter how behaved children are, too much time with the ones you're not familiar with can be a hassle. Can you imagine my situation, these children are not behaved!

They lack manners and just don't know boundaries. They aren't the devil's children or anything but every child comes with typical problems; asking too many questions, doesn't get the idea you want to be left alone, won't let the dogs be... you know, those usual complications when you volunteer to take children in for a week.

I can't last a full week, Mom and I will be racing to the crazy people place by then. We're giving them back tomorrow after their routine nap time. I'll let at least a month pass by before I volunteer again for such a thing again.

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